JB,NM1907RMPOL04,DT09-02-2004,TM07:06:59 MO,AD0,UN1,SF0.99960,EC0,EO0.0,AU0 SP,PN997,N 996011.201,E 980812.532,EL2544.805,--GPS7 SP,PN998,N 995925.525,E 980691.799,EL2545.798,--GPS8 --Data Collector Serial Number: FS34A16037 --Activating Total Station: Topcon GTS Series [GTS235W-274869], COM1, 9600 baud, even parity --Foresight Target:My Prism, HR:1.42 (1.42 + 0.0 Offset), Prism Const.:0.0mm --HR:1.42 (1.42 + 0.0 Offset) LS,HI1.417,HR1.42 BK,OP997,BP998,BS0.0000,BC0.0000 --Fixed HR at Backsight:1.42 (1.42 + 0.0 Offset), Prism Const.:0.0mm --BS check GPS7 - GPS8:ZE89.3635,SD148.075,HD err= -0.000435, VD err= 1.005625 --BS Circle check : angular err= 0.0000 SS,OP997,FP140,AR0.0000,ZE89.3635,SD148.075,--CHGPS08 --Foresight Target:My Prism, HR:1.505 (1.505 + 0.0 Offset), Prism Const.:0.0mm --HR:1.505 (1.505 + 0.0 Offset) LS,HI1.417,HR1.505 RD,BD 1:0.0000 --BS zenith: 89.3638, slope dist: 148.076 RB,OP997,BP998,AR0.0000,ZE89.3638,SD148.076,HR1.42,--GPS8 RD,BV 1:180.0000 --BS zenith: 270.2330, slope dist: 148.075 RB,OP997,BP998,AR180.0000,ZE270.2330,SD148.075,HR1.42,--GPS8 RD,FV 1:270.2715 RD,ZV 1:269.5205 MD,SD 1:184.587 RF,OP997,FP28,AR270.2715,ZE269.5205,SD184.587,HR1.505,--D28 RD,FD 1:90.2703 RD,ZD 1:90.0754 MD,SD 1:184.586 RF,OP997,FP28,AR90.2703,ZE90.0754,SD184.586,HR1.505,--D28 --Horizontal Angle Error: 0.0012 --Zenith Angle Error: 0.0001 --Slope Distance Error: 0.001 --Horizontal Angle Error compares to the average: 0.0000 --Zenith Angle Error compares to the average: 0.0000 --Slope Distance Error compares to the average: 0.0 TR,OP997,FP28,AR90.2709,ZE90.0755,SD184.5865,--D28 --Foresight Target:My Prism, HR:1.382 (1.382 + 0.0 Offset), Prism Const.:0.0mm --HR:1.382 (1.382 + 0.0 Offset) LS,HI1.443,HR1.382 BK,OP28,BP997,BS270.2709,BC0.0000 --BS check D28 - GPS7:ZE89.5201,SD184.591,HD err= 0.004491, VD err= -0.022963 SS,OP28,FP141,AR0.0000,ZE89.5201,SD184.591,--CHGPS07 --BS Circle check : angular err= 0.0000 --Foresight Target:My Prism, HR:1.41 (1.41 + 0.0 Offset), Prism Const.:0.0mm --HR:1.41 (1.41 + 0.0 Offset) LS,HI1.443,HR1.41 RD,BD 1:0.0000 --BS zenith: 89.5157, slope dist: 184.593 RB,OP28,BP997,AR0.0000,ZE89.5157,SD184.593,HR1.382,--GPS7 RD,BV 1:179.5955 --BS zenith: 270.0811, slope dist: 184.593 RB,OP28,BP997,AR179.5955,ZE270.0811,SD184.593,HR1.382,--GPS7 RD,FV 1:60.1148 RD,ZV 1:269.4222 MD,SD 1:239.98 RF,OP28,FP29,AR60.1148,ZE269.4222,SD239.98,HR1.41,--D29 RD,FD 1:240.1144 RD,ZD 1:90.1732 MD,SD 1:239.972 RF,OP28,FP29,AR240.1144,ZE90.1732,SD239.972,HR1.41,--D29 --Horizontal Angle Error: 0.0009 --Zenith Angle Error: 0.0006 --Slope Distance Error: 0.008 --Horizontal Angle Error compares to the average: 0.0000 --Zenith Angle Error compares to the average: 0.0000 --Slope Distance Error compares to the average: 0.0 --HR:1.41 (1.41 + 0.0 Offset) LS,HI1.443,HR1.41 TR,OP28,FP29,AR240.1149,ZE90.1735,SD239.976,--D29 --Data Collector Serial Number: FS34A16037 --Activating Total Station: Topcon GTS Series [GTS235W-274869], COM1, 9600 baud, even parity --Fixed HR at Backsight:1.5 (1.5 + 0.0 Offset), Prism Const.:0.0mm --HR:1.50 (1.50 + 0.0 Offset) LS,HI1.446,HR1.50 BK,OP29,BP28,BS330.3858,BC0.0000 --BS check 29 - D28:ZE89.4222,SD239.967,HD err= -0.009018, VD err= -0.017556 SS,OP29,FP142,AR0.0000,ZE89.4222,SD239.967,--CHD28 --BS Circle check : angular err= 0.0000 --Foresight Target:My Prism, HR:1.455 (1.455 + 0.0 Offset), Prism Const.:0.0mm --HR:1.455 (1.455 + 0.0 Offset) LS,HI1.446,HR1.455 RD,BD 1:0.0000 --BS zenith: 89.4225, slope dist: 239.966 RB,OP29,BP28,AR0.0000,ZE89.4225,SD239.966,HR1.5,--D28 RD,BV 1:180.0003 --BS zenith: 270.1743, slope dist: 239.966 RB,OP29,BP28,AR180.0003,ZE270.1743,SD239.966,HR1.5,--D28 RD,FV 1:105.2740 RD,ZV 1:269.5533 MD,SD 1:290.943 RF,OP29,FP30,AR105.2740,ZE269.5533,SD290.943,HR1.455,--D30 RD,FD 1:285.2739 RD,ZD 1:90.0422 MD,SD 1:290.943 RF,OP29,FP30,AR285.2739,ZE90.0422,SD290.943,HR1.455,--D30 --Horizontal Angle Error: 0.0002 --Zenith Angle Error: 0.0005 --Slope Distance Error: 0.0 --Horizontal Angle Error compares to the average: 0.0000 --Zenith Angle Error compares to the average: 0.0000 --Slope Distance Error compares to the average: 0.0 TR,OP29,FP30,AR285.2738,ZE90.0425,SD290.943,--D30 --Fixed HR at Backsight:1.405 (1.405 + 0.0 Offset), Prism Const.:0.0mm LS,HI1.493,HR1.405 BK,OP30,BP29,BS76.0636,BC0.0000 --BS check 30 - 29:ZE89.5641,SD290.934,HD err= -0.008896, VD err= -0.013398 SS,OP30,FP143,AR0.0000,ZE89.5641,SD290.934,--CHD29 --BS Circle check : angular err= 0.0000 --Foresight Target:My Prism, HR:1.255 (1.255 + 0.0 Offset), Prism Const.:0.0mm --HR:1.255 (1.255 + 0.0 Offset) LS,HI1.446,HR1.255 RD,BD 1:0.0000 --BS zenith: 89.5640, slope dist: 290.934 RB,OP30,BP29,AR0.0000,ZE89.5640,SD290.934,HR1.405,--D29 RD,BV 1:179.5959 --BS zenith: 270.0317, slope dist: 290.935 RB,OP30,BP29,AR179.5959,ZE270.0317,SD290.935,HR1.405,--D29 RD,FV 1:342.4157 RD,ZV 1:270.0551 MD,SD 1:290.42 RF,OP30,FP31,AR342.4157,ZE270.0551,SD290.42,HR1.255,--D31 RD,FD 1:162.4201 RD,ZD 1:89.5414 MD,SD 1:290.42 RF,OP30,FP31,AR162.4201,ZE89.5414,SD290.42,HR1.255,--D31 --Horizontal Angle Error: 0.0003 --Zenith Angle Error: 0.0005 --Slope Distance Error: 0.0 --Horizontal Angle Error compares to the average: 0.0000 --Zenith Angle Error compares to the average: 0.0000 --Slope Distance Error compares to the average: 0.0 TR,OP30,FP31,AR162.4200,ZE89.5412,SD290.42,--D31 --Foresight Target:My Prism, HR:1.455 (1.455 + 0.0 Offset), Prism Const.:0.0mm --HR:1.455 (1.455 + 0.0 Offset) LS,HI1.392,HR1.455 BK,OP31,BP30,BS58.4835,BC0.0000 --BS check 31 - 30:ZE90.0655,SD290.419,HD err= -0.001173, VD err= -0.11863 SS,OP31,FP144,AR0.0000,ZE90.0655,SD290.419,--CHD30 --BS Circle check : angular err= 0.0000 --Foresight Target:My Prism, HR:1.37 (1.37 + 0.0 Offset), Prism Const.:0.0mm --HR:1.37 (1.37 + 0.0 Offset) LS,HI1.392,HR1.37 RD,BD 1:0.0000 --BS zenith: 90.0700, slope dist: 290.419 RB,OP31,BP30,AR0.0000,ZE90.0700,SD290.419,HR1.455,--D30 RD,BV 1:180.0007 --BS zenith: 269.5256, slope dist: 290.418 RB,OP31,BP30,AR180.0007,ZE269.5256,SD290.418,HR1.455,--D30 RD,FV 1:58.3339 RD,ZV 1:269.5233 MD,SD 1:279.743 RF,OP31,FP32,AR58.3339,ZE269.5233,SD279.743,HR1.37,--D32 RD,FD 1:238.3339 RD,ZD 1:90.0723 MD,SD 1:279.744 RF,OP31,FP32,AR238.3339,ZE90.0723,SD279.744,HR1.37,--D32 --Horizontal Angle Error: 0.0007 --Zenith Angle Error: 0.0004 --Slope Distance Error: 0.001 --Horizontal Angle Error compares to the average: 0.0000 --Zenith Angle Error compares to the average: 0.0000 --Slope Distance Error compares to the average: 0.0 TR,OP31,FP32,AR238.3336,ZE90.0725,SD279.7435,--D32 --Foresight Target:My Prism, HR:1.355 (1.355 + 0.0 Offset), Prism Const.:0.0mm --HR:1.355 (1.355 + 0.0 Offset) LS,HI1.409,HR1.355 BK,OP32,BP31,BS117.2211,BC0.0000 --BS check 32 - 31:ZE89.5349,SD279.74,HD err= -0.003301, VD err= -0.024367 --BS Circle check : angular err= 0.0000 SS,OP32,FP145,AR0.0000,ZE89.5349,SD279.74,--CHD31 --Foresight Target:My Prism, HR:1.29 (1.29 + 0.0 Offset), Prism Const.:0.0mm RD,BD 1:0.0000 --BS zenith: 89.5344, slope dist: 279.741 RB,OP32,BP31,AR0.0000,ZE89.5344,SD279.741,HR1.355,--D31 RD,BV 1:179.5959 --BS zenith: 270.0611, slope dist: 279.74 RB,OP32,BP31,AR179.5959,ZE270.0611,SD279.74,HR1.355,--D31 RD,FV 1:333.4653 RD,ZV 1:269.5443 MD,SD 1:243.39 RF,OP32,FP33,AR333.4653,ZE269.5443,SD243.39,HR1.29,--D33 RD,FD 1:153.4652 RD,ZD 1:90.0518 MD,SD 1:243.39 RF,OP32,FP33,AR153.4652,ZE90.0518,SD243.39,HR1.29,--D33 --Horizontal Angle Error: 0.0002 --Zenith Angle Error: 0.0001 --Slope Distance Error: 0.0 --Horizontal Angle Error compares to the average: 0.0000 --Zenith Angle Error compares to the average: 0.0000 --Slope Distance Error compares to the average: 0.0 --HR:1.29 (1.29 + 0.0 Offset) LS,HI1.409,HR1.29 TR,OP32,FP33,AR153.4653,ZE90.0518,SD243.39,--D33 --Foresight Target:My Prism, HR:1.37 (1.37 + 0.0 Offset), Prism Const.:0.0mm --HR:1.37 (1.37 + 0.0 Offset) LS,HI1.328,HR1.37 BK,OP33,BP32,BS91.0904,BC0.0000 --BS check 33 - 32:ZE89.5554,SD243.387,HD err= -0.002885, VD err= -0.007373 SS,OP33,FP146,AR0.0000,ZE89.5554,SD243.387,--CHD32 --BS Circle check : angular err= 0.0000 --Foresight Target:My Prism, HR:1.405 (1.405 + 0.0 Offset), Prism Const.:0.0mm --HR:1.405 (1.405 + 0.0 Offset) LS,HI1.328,HR1.405 RD,BD 1:0.0000 --BS zenith: 89.5555, slope dist: 243.386 RB,OP33,BP32,AR0.0000,ZE89.5555,SD243.386,HR1.37,--D32 RD,BV 1:179.5954 --BS zenith: 270.0401, slope dist: 243.386 RB,OP33,BP32,AR179.5954,ZE270.0401,SD243.386,HR1.37,--D32 RD,FV 1:65.1047 RD,ZV 1:269.5224 MD,SD 1:211.169 RF,OP33,FP34,AR65.1047,ZE269.5224,SD211.169,HR1.405,--D34 RD,FD 1:245.1046 RD,ZD 1:90.0732 MD,SD 1:211.168 RF,OP33,FP34,AR245.1046,ZE90.0732,SD211.168,HR1.405,--D34 --Horizontal Angle Error: 0.0007 --Zenith Angle Error: 0.0004 --Slope Distance Error: 0.001 --Horizontal Angle Error compares to the average: 0.0000 --Zenith Angle Error compares to the average: 0.0000 --Slope Distance Error compares to the average: 0.0 TR,OP33,FP34,AR245.1050,ZE90.0734,SD211.1685,--D34 --Foresight Target:My Prism, HR:1.295 (1.295 + 0.0 Offset), Prism Const.:0.0mm --HR:1.295 (1.295 + 0.0 Offset) LS,HI1.435,HR1.295 BK,OP34,BP33,BS156.1953,BC0.0000 --BS check 34 - 33:ZE89.5341,SD211.169,HD err= 0.000655, VD err= -0.013782 SS,OP34,FP147,AR0.0000,ZE89.5341,SD211.169,--CHD33 --BS Circle check : angular err= 0.0000 --Foresight Target:My Prism, HR:1.255 (1.255 + 0.0 Offset), Prism Const.:0.0mm --HR:1.255 (1.255 + 0.0 Offset) LS,HI1.435,HR1.255 RD,BD 1:0.0000 --BS zenith: 89.5340, slope dist: 211.169 RB,OP34,BP33,AR0.0000,ZE89.5340,SD211.169,HR1.295,--D33 RD,BV 1:180.0001 --BS zenith: 270.0619, slope dist: 211.169 RB,OP34,BP33,AR180.0001,ZE270.0619,SD211.169,HR1.295,--D33 RD,FV 1:46.4333 RD,ZV 1:269.5710 MD,SD 1:238.503 RF,OP34,FP35,AR46.4333,ZE269.5710,SD238.503,HR1.255,--D35 RD,FD 1:226.4330 RD,ZD 1:90.0255 MD,SD 1:238.504 RF,OP34,FP35,AR226.4330,ZE90.0255,SD238.504,HR1.255,--D35 --Horizontal Angle Error: 0.0002 --Zenith Angle Error: 0.0005 --Slope Distance Error: 0.001 --Horizontal Angle Error compares to the average: 0.0000 --Zenith Angle Error compares to the average: 0.0000 --Slope Distance Error compares to the average: 0.0 --HR:1.255 (1.255 + 0.0 Offset) LS,HI1.435,HR1.255 TR,OP34,FP35,AR226.4331,ZE90.0253,SD238.5035,--D35 --Foresight Target:My Prism, HR:1.397 (1.397 + 0.0 Offset), Prism Const.:0.0mm --HR:1.397 (1.397 + 0.0 Offset) LS,HI1.287,HR1.397 BK,OP35,BP34,BS203.0324,BC0.0000 --BS check 35 - 34:ZE89.5825,SD238.504,HD err= 0.000558, VD err= -0.019613 SS,OP35,FP148,AR0.0000,ZE89.5825,SD238.504,--CHD34 --BS Circle check : angular err= 0.0000 --Foresight Target:My Prism, HR:1.46 (1.46 + 0.0 Offset), Prism Const.:0.0mm --HR:1.46 (1.46 + 0.0 Offset) LS,HI1.287,HR1.46 RD,BD 1:0.0000 --BS zenith: 89.5825, slope dist: 238.504 RB,OP35,BP34,AR0.0000,ZE89.5825,SD238.504,HR1.397,--D34 RD,BV 1:179.5956 --BS zenith: 270.0138, slope dist: 238.505 RB,OP35,BP34,AR179.5956,ZE270.0138,SD238.505,HR1.397,--D34 RD,FV 1:27.5331 RD,ZV 1:270.2116 MD,SD 1:179.973 RF,OP35,FP36,AR27.5331,ZE270.2116,SD179.973,HR1.46,--D36 RD,FD 1:207.5344 RD,ZD 1:89.3854 MD,SD 1:179.974 RF,OP35,FP36,AR207.5344,ZE89.3854,SD179.974,HR1.46,--D36 --Horizontal Angle Error: 0.0009 --Zenith Angle Error: 0.0010 --Slope Distance Error: 0.001 --Horizontal Angle Error compares to the average: 0.0000 --Zenith Angle Error compares to the average: 0.0000 --Slope Distance Error compares to the average: 0.0 --HR:1.46 (1.46 + 0.0 Offset) LS,HI1.287,HR1.46 TR,OP35,FP36,AR207.5340,ZE89.3849,SD179.9735,--D36 --Foresight Target:My Prism, HR:1.255 (1.255 + 0.0 Offset), Prism Const.:0.0mm --HR:1.255 (1.255 + 0.0 Offset) LS,HI1.493,HR1.255 BK,OP36,BP35,BS230.5704,BC0.0000 --Backsight HR:1.255 (1.255 + 0.0 Offset), Prism Const.:0.0mm --BS check 36 - 35:ZE90.2244,SD179.972,HD err= -0.002018, VD err= -0.016134 SS,OP36,FP149,AR0.0000,ZE90.2244,SD179.972,--CHD35 --BS Circle check : angular err= 0.0000 --Foresight Target:My Prism, HR:1.33 (1.33 + 0.0 Offset), Prism Const.:0.0mm --HR:1.33 (1.33 + 0.0 Offset) LS,HI1.493,HR1.33 RD,BD 1:0.0000 --BS zenith: 90.2241, slope dist: 179.972 RB,OP36,BP35,AR0.0000,ZE90.2241,SD179.972,HR1.33,--D35 RD,BV 1:180.0005 --BS zenith: 269.3712, slope dist: 179.972 RB,OP36,BP35,AR180.0005,ZE269.3712,SD179.972,HR1.33,--D35 RD,FV 1:46.1833 RD,ZV 1:269.3203 MD,SD 1:208.696 RF,OP36,FP37,AR46.1833,ZE269.3203,SD208.696,HR1.33,--D37 RD,FD 1:226.1834 RD,ZD 1:90.2751 MD,SD 1:208.696 RF,OP36,FP37,AR226.1834,ZE90.2751,SD208.696,HR1.33,--D37 --Horizontal Angle Error: 0.0006 --Zenith Angle Error: 0.0006 --Slope Distance Error: 0.0 --Horizontal Angle Error compares to the average: 0.0000 --Zenith Angle Error compares to the average: 0.0000 --Slope Distance Error compares to the average: 0.0 --HR:1.33 (1.33 + 0.0 Offset) LS,HI1.493,HR1.33 TR,OP36,FP37,AR226.1831,ZE90.2754,SD208.696,--D37 --Foresight Target:My Prism, HR:1.455 (1.455 + 0.0 Offset), Prism Const.:0.0mm --HR:1.455 (1.455 + 0.0 Offset) LS,HI1.364,HR1.455 BK,OP37,BP36,BS277.1535,BC0.0000 --BS check 37 - 36:ZE89.3335,SD208.69,HD err= -0.005288, VD err= -0.018092 SS,OP37,FP150,AR0.0000,ZE89.3335,SD208.690,--CHD36 --BS Circle check : angular err= 0.0000 --Foresight Target:My Prism, HR:1.337 (1.337 + 0.0 Offset), Prism Const.:0.0mm --HR:1.337 (1.337 + 0.0 Offset) LS,HI1.364,HR1.337 RD,BD 1:359.5959 --BS zenith: 89.3334, slope dist: 208.69 RB,OP37,BP36,AR359.5959,ZE89.3334,SD208.69,HR1.337,--D36 RD,BV 1:180.0001 --BS zenith: 270.2640, slope dist: 208.689 RB,OP37,BP36,AR180.0001,ZE270.2640,SD208.689,HR1.337,--D36 RD,FV 1:14.2519 RD,ZV 1:269.2546 MD,SD 1:218.067 RF,OP37,FP38,AR14.2519,ZE269.2546,SD218.067,HR1.337,--D38 RD,FD 1:194.2517 RD,ZD 1:90.3404 MD,SD 1:218.068 RF,OP37,FP38,AR194.2517,ZE90.3404,SD218.068,HR1.337,--D38 --Horizontal Angle Error: 0.0000 --Zenith Angle Error: 0.0010 --Slope Distance Error: 0.001 --Horizontal Angle Error compares to the average: 0.0000 --Zenith Angle Error compares to the average: 0.0000 --Slope Distance Error compares to the average: 0.0 --HR:1.337 (1.337 + 0.0 Offset) LS,HI1.364,HR1.337 TR,OP37,FP38,AR194.2518,ZE90.3409,SD218.0675,--D38 --Foresight Target:My Prism, HR:1.33 (1.33 + 0.0 Offset), Prism Const.:0.0mm --HR:1.33 (1.33 + 0.0 Offset) LS,HI1.36,HR1.33 BK,OP38,BP37,BS291.4053,BC0.0000 --BS check 38 - 37:ZE89.2711,SD218.061,HD err= -0.005676, VD err= -0.027636 SS,OP38,FP151,AR0.0000,ZE89.2711,SD218.061,--CHD37 --BS Circle check : angular err= 0.0000 --Foresight Target:My Prism, HR:1.3 (1.3 + 0.0 Offset), Prism Const.:0.0mm --HR:1.30 (1.30 + 0.0 Offset) LS,HI1.36,HR1.30 RD,BD 1:0.0000 --BS zenith: 89.2710, slope dist: 218.062 RB,OP38,BP37,AR0.0000,ZE89.2710,SD218.062,HR1.3,--D37 RD,BV 1:180.0002 --BS zenith: 270.3252, slope dist: 218.06 RB,OP38,BP37,AR180.0002,ZE270.3252,SD218.06,HR1.3,--D37 RD,FV 1:329.0823 RD,ZV 1:272.1410 MD,SD 1:164.572 RF,OP38,FP152,AR329.0823,ZE272.1410,SD164.572,HR1.3,--GPS8 RD,FD 1:149.0821 RD,ZD 1:87.4557 MD,SD 1:164.573 RF,OP38,FP152,AR149.0821,ZE87.4557,SD164.573,HR1.3,--GPS8 --Horizontal Angle Error: 0.0000 --Zenith Angle Error: 0.0007 --Slope Distance Error: 0.001 --Horizontal Angle Error compares to the average: 0.0000 --Zenith Angle Error compares to the average: 0.0000 --Slope Distance Error compares to the average: 0.0 --HR:1.3 (1.3 + 0.0 Offset) LS,HI1.36,HR1.3 TR,OP38,FP152,AR149.0821,ZE87.4554,SD164.5725,--CIEGPS8 --Foresight Target:My Prism, HR:1.315 (1.315 + 0.0 Offset), Prism Const.:0.0mm --HR:1.315 (1.315 + 0.0 Offset) LS,HI1.337,HR1.315 BK,OP152,BP38,BS260.4914,BC0.0000 --Backsight HR:1.315 (1.315 + 0.0 Offset), Prism Const.:0.0mm --BS check 108 - 38:ZE92.1602,SD164.569,HD err= -0.007117, VD err= -0.009944 SS,OP152,FP153,AR0.0000,ZE92.1602,SD164.569,--CHD38 --BS Circle check : angular err= 0.0000 --Foresight Target:My Prism, HR:1.445 (1.445 + 0.0 Offset), Prism Const.:0.0mm --HR:1.445 (1.445 + 0.0 Offset) LS,HI1.337,HR1.445 RD,BD 1:0.0000 --BS zenith: 92.1559, slope dist: 164.571 RB,OP152,BP38,AR0.0000,ZE92.1559,SD164.571,HR1.445,--D38 RD,BV 1:179.5954 --BS zenith: 267.4351, slope dist: 164.572 RB,OP152,BP38,AR179.5954,ZE267.4351,SD164.572,HR1.445,--D38 RD,FV 1:99.1037 RD,ZV 1:269.3906 MD,SD 1:148.08 RF,OP152,FP154,AR99.1037,ZE269.3906,SD148.08,HR1.445,--CIEGPS7 RD,FD 1:279.1039 RD,ZD 1:90.2054 MD,SD 1:148.08 RF,OP152,FP154,AR279.1039,ZE90.2054,SD148.08,HR1.445,--CIEGPS7 --Horizontal Angle Error: 0.0004 --Zenith Angle Error: 0.0000 --Slope Distance Error: 0.0 --Horizontal Angle Error compares to the average: 0.0000 --Zenith Angle Error compares to the average: 0.0000 --Slope Distance Error compares to the average: 0.0 --HR:1.445 (1.445 + 0.0 Offset) LS,HI1.337,HR1.445 TR,OP152,FP154,AR279.1041,ZE90.2054,SD148.08,--CIEGPS7